


(408) 741-1115​​​​​​​




14487 Big Basin Way
Saratoga, California, CA 95070

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Cancellation policy 2020


Starting January 1st 2020, all new color service guests requiring a service of 2hrs and longer are required to ‘Save a Credit Card on File’ upon scheduling.

1.   If you are going to be late arriving for your appointment, please call (408) 741-1115, prior to your appointment as a courtesy.

2.   If you are going to be more than 15 minutes late, your appointment may need to be rescheduled to honor other guests on the schedule.  If your appointment does need to be rescheduled, a 50% of service fee will be applied.

3.   We confirm appointments either by automatic text or phone call 48hrs in advance, you have until 24hrs before your appointment to cancel and/or reschedule  without charge, by calling the salon at (408) 741-1115.

4.   Cancellations, appointment no shows and changes made the day of your appointment will be charged 50% of your service to your card on file.

We appreciate your understanding of this policy.